Friday, March 30, 2012



For the last week we have witnessed the ugly head of vigilantism appearing all over this country. First through the media that in an incredible way (incredible???), has filled all over their channels with the News (???) about a young man shut to death by a man who stupidly followed him in a neighborhood with a watch program to detect criminal acts in such place resulting in the death of the young man. This act that is under investigation by the Florida criminal justice, is a tragic event by itself, a life is a life and we cannot condone an act where somebody lost it under the hands of anybody.

The bigger problem came when the media have taken “justice” in their hands and “investigated”, prosecuted and executed the apparent perpetrator of the violent act, a man named Zimmerman. The media decided that the Florida Justice Department was very slow, to say the least, or definitively corrupt in trying to protect the “murderer” who is now hiding in some place, afraid of being himself murdered by the vigilantism unchained by the media and other “people” as we have learned. This was exacerbated by the declaration  made y President Obama. 

The “other people” were on one side Spike Lee who in a twitter message to his more than 1/4 of a million followers gave the address where Zimmerman apparently lived. This simple act is pure vigilantism and without any knowledge in the laws, but with common sense, I may qualified it as a criminal act even worse than the one exercised by the media.
The “other people” are the New Black Panther party that is offering a reward to any one who killed Zimmerman.

The result of the first “people” Spike Lee was that the address was the wrong one and an elderly couple living in that address has to leave their home to a hotel for safety reasons. The fact that the address was wrong is only one more stupid act on the part of the entertainer who now has converted himself in an entertainer of potential criminals. The result of the second “people” the Black panthers is not surprising since they systematically are doing illegal things without any response from the US Justice department. By the way where is Mr. Holder in all these criminal acts?

The whole thing is very sad. First a young man was killed and the man who killed him is now been hunted by a bunch of stupid criminal people trying to have justice in their hands instigated by the irresponsible media that has been given a lot of attention of one of many thousands of the same acts committed every day all over the United States. Why so much ado about this event? Was it because the young man was a black one? Zimmerman apparently (not by the name) is from Hispanic origin and very likely is not (although not necessarily) related to racial motives. Still is very odd that one event made so much noise, as it happens once in a while. Would it be the same if a black man would kill a Hispanic young man in the same circumstances? I wonder. Usually the death of a Hispanic is not worth of any news, although for me (and should be for everybody) a life independently of the race should be sacred. What is happening to us? Are we more concerned with the political implications of the killing than to the life itself? This is sad.        

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