Sunday, December 25, 2011

Aren't you confused? I am


I would like to understand all this brouhaha about the payroll pay tax cut, and the Senate approving its extension and the House saying, no way we agree with that extension unless it is for one year instead of only two months, but at the end everybody approved it and Obama signed it and went singing on vacation to Hawaii.

If you would have only this information that is usually what you read or hear if you don’t go beyond that, you would understand that it is a tax cut, therefore the House (Republicans) will be for it, while the Senate (Democrats) will oppose it. But then, with this non-information, you would think, that’s right the Democrats want only two months while the Republicans want it for one year. 

Then it came the politics from both parties saying, in one side the Democrats accusing the Republicans of the poverty they are condemning the poor people who without the cut will receive $20 less in their paycheck for two months ($40 dollars), and the Republicans accusing the Democrats of condemning the poor people of no receiving the cut for an additional 10 months. Meanwhile, those millions of poor people who do not have a job don’t have to worry because they will not have the benefit anyway because they are not receiving the payroll to start with.

But if you read at least a little bit more, you will find out that the so call tax cut is not a tax at all, it is related to Social Security, that strictly speaking should not be call a tax since the amount that people with a job pay is a kind of premium for a future pension you may have in the future, but since the government took it, and unilaterally used it for other purposes, actually became a real tax, but still we can say that it should not be called a tax. So somebody in the government decided that they will cut this “payroll tax” and now they wanted to extend this cut in order that the poor people has those $20. On the other hand the employer pays to the same fund an amount commensurate to the amount paid by the employee, and therefore if this is the case with the cut, when they cut the “payroll tax”, they also cut the employers portion to the Social Security fund, cutting the money that the employee was receiving for his future pension.

Meanwhile, the federal budget increased beyond what the government received from taxes in almost a trillion extra dollars which will come from loans given to them by among others, foreign central banks and since the Congress decided after all that the ceiling on the debt should not exist a blank check was extended to Mr. Obama to continue with the spending that for sure will be beyond just $40 per payee.  As a matter of fact the debt is now “just” over 15 trillion dollars therefore in accord with those who like to be in debt, if you and I received 40 extra dollars next year it won’t increase that much in the debt but, weren’t they saying before that they wanted to fix the Social Security finances, but instead now they are cutting the amount going to that fund. It is confusing isn’t it?

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Coat: A Story of Charity

A very touching true story about Heber J. Grant.



Few days ago I was approached by a young man, who I believe, was taking a survey. He asked me a question: “Do you support gay marriage?”
I told him: “Before I answer your question, I want to deal with the semantics of your sentence.” Then I proceed to tell him that the word “gay” has the following meanings:

  1. Excited and merry.
  2. Bright and lively in appearance
  3. Fine, excellent
  4. A toy or ornament especially for a child
  5. An illustration in a book or paper

Only recently the word gay has been used extensively as synonym of homosexual; therefore what you are asking me, I told him, is if I support homosexual marriage.
Let’s deal now with the word “marriage”.

  1. The state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife
  2. Wedlock.
  3. The institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family.  

Marriage has been around for many millennia, and one of the most important purposes of marriage has been to preserve the human race in a family, consisting of a father a mother and the children.

“Now that we understand each other”, I continued,  “I can tell you that ‘homosexual marriage’ is an oxymoron, and I do not like these kind of language. Neither I like morons, who are those people who constantly are using oxymora, not knowing what they are doing.”

After this, he left and thanked me for my answer. I suspected that he did not understand the meaning of several words I used:
And I felt that he did not know that he was a moron either.  




We were warned by the man who doesn’t’ pay taxes in the Department of the Treasury, that it will be catastrophic to the USA if the Congress would not increase the debt ceiling. The default of the debt will degrade the credit rate of the federal government and this in turn will bring an increase in the amount of interest we have to pay, plus many other awful things in this great nation.

I have said many times that the catastrophe was already here, that to owe 15.5 trillion dollars is the catastrophe, and now that the Congress increased the ceiling that stupid situation we have been living with will increase to levels we never imagined.

It is a shame that the newly appointed Congressmen who were doing the right thing, at the end as one of the suckers put it “blinked” and gave the hand to Obama. They (the new Congressmen) had leverage until that moment when they voted to accept the “deal”. Now they did a great disservice to those who elected them. First, and maybe the worst thing, they gave Obama the reelection when they lost their leverage accepting this to go beyond the next election. Obama now does not have to deal with them anymore. They are dead. And, what did they win? They think that for the first time there are cuts in the federal government spending. The cuts are less than a Trillion Dollars in ten years of not important cuts that are not by any means the solution to the debt.  Congress appointed a Committee to look for another 1.5 trillion dollars. When was the last time that a committee solved anything? Why did they need a committee? Why not force the cut immediately before accepting the deal? Why not as a condition force the repealing of the Obamacare? This will save almost immediately everything, almost a trillion dollars in cuts, but more important giving the small businesses in this country freedom to hire and with this helping the economy to recover.

The real catastrophe is to have this stratospheric debt of 14.5 trillion dollars (now more than 15 trillion) with payments of more than 40% of the federal government revenue going to pay the interest. The different entities that rate the credit were unanimous in saying that a cut of at least 4 trillion dollars was necessary to bring some sanity to the USA finances. I have said before that increasing the ceiling was like in any individual in this country (and there are many like this) with three credit cards to the limit asking for a fourth one to pay the other three. Or like somebody put it even better: “is like increasing the blood alcohol levels to cure alcoholism.”

One of the many stupid defenders of the spending said that the debt is no problem, as soon as we are in prosperity this kind of spending is of no relevance. I know people right now with deep debts saying the same thing. When they had a job they were saying, no problem we can pay; suddenly they were out of work, and now they are saying, that they need a credit to start again.        

The catastrophe not only came to the Republican party, that now has no leverage against the Obama reelection and some of them are going to loose their jobs, but to all of us who watched how the Washington politicians will continue with their powerful maneuvers to maintain the status quo of spending, spending, spending with no remorse, increasing the debt to new highs, and then with the reelection of the “inexperienced” president more and more of the same (remember 1.9 trillion I just two years) since they (the new Congressmen) gave him a blank check to spend as he wishes.

When are we going to learn that to live beyond our means cannot be maintained indefinitely?  Real businessmen, the ones who made this country great, know that, and are not buying the “deal”, the Chinese know that and degraded the credit rate already, the American people, those who work and do not have their hand extended asking for help to the Federal government, know that, and hopefully are still in the majority and hopefully in November 2012 will send all these people (Obama and those who approve the deal) to their homes. Do you see, I still have faith that there are people with common sense, and unfortunately I strongly believe that the economy is not going to improve with this “deal” and Obama is going to continue doing stupid spending and worsening everything and at the end with a “happy ending” this horror movie will end without around 400 people who are now in this bureaucracy, and hopefully new ones will come with a learned lesson to live within our means.  Remember, “The Chinese are coming”. That will be catastrophic

Thursday, December 22, 2011



“In the beginning it was Obama, and Obama created the obamites (or the obamites created Obama?), and Obama saw the crisis, and the crisis brought the chaos, and Obama took over Fanny and Freddy. And Obama saw it, and Obama said, “It is good”.  And Obama created the “stimulus”. And the obamites shouted, “It is good, it is good.”  And the big banks wanted help and Obama gave them help, and Obama saw that it was good. But the automakers wanted a portion of what Obama was doing and claimed to Obama: “Give us something”. And Obama gave them something, but took everything from them, and Obama said, “it is good” and the obamites shouted, “it is good, it is good.” But some of the obamites were poor, and they wanted to have some of the riches that Obama was redistributing, and went to Obama and demand from him something, and Obama called upon Pelosi and Reid two of the obamites and together concocted a plan to give to all of the “free” people free care, even among the antiobamites who do not care to have the free care, And in the darkness of the night came Obamacare. And Obama and the pelusites saw it and said, “this is good” But some of the obamites began to think that this was not that good and joined the antiobamites, but it was too late, obamacare was among all of them. And the antiobamites that now were numerous, went to tell Obama: “Obama, your parents before you taxed us on the things we were buying, but now you are taxing us in the things we are not buying. This is not good.” And Obama told them: “it is good, I know better.” And Obama taxed them in the things that they were not buying.  And this was the beginning of the end of what was known as USA that now was beginning to be known as the USSA.”

The above was found in the ruins of what in the 21st century was called one of the greatest civilizations that ever existed. Actually it was amazed that in only a little more than 200 years this country grew form being a colony to the greatest country in the world.
Previous discoveries had shown that its progress was due to the fact that they practiced what was called the free market economy amalgamated with a form of government they called “democracy” but actually it was a Republic very well organized by the genius of the so called “founding fathers”, who saw that the free market should work, meaning that the government (the Republic) should not interfere with the economy. They had what was called “checks and balances” meaning that among the government the three branches it was composed of, (a president, the congress and the judicial system) would watch to each other, and stop any who wanted to step over the people.  For unknown reasons during the last century of this civilization, the government began to first, interfere with the economy, and at the end, they (the people) even elected to power some who it was very clear had ideas against the free market. Finally in the beginning of the 21st century, they elected a person, apparently named Obama, who definitely enacted in just one year so many laws (of course in accord with the congress, supported by obamites) that destroyed this great civilization. 

From this document, it is clear that there were some “antiobamites” forces, who were trying to tell Obama and the pelusites that what they were doing was not right, that the country grew fine as a free market economy, but Obama and his forces had the power, and implanted on the United States of America or USA for short, (that was the name of this great civilization) measures of imposition completely against the philosophy of the creation of the Republic. During the 20th Century, there were in the other side of the world, several intents to established the same systems; for instance around the first two decades of the 20th century, some illuminated fanatics followers of the founder of that doctrine a man named Marx, took over a government and named it USSR (Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics), the aim was to eventually to take over the whole world. These people made treaties with other country in the third decade of the 20st Century. That country wanted also to dominate the whole world, and of course they imposed also a socialistic economy, they called it National Socialism, also known as Nazis. This form of government as the one lead by Stalin (the successor of the followers of Marx) who signed the accord with Hitler the leader of the Nazis, was a socialist economy with a complete interference by the government in the free market.

The USA people went to war against the Nazis, and Stalin and his dominion joined them and disregarded the accord they had with Hitler, and. finally Hitler was defeated mainly due to the strong economy of the USA based in freedom and the free market (even when they had already some people in government who wanted more interference). Stalin took over most of the eastern part of Europe, due to the negligence of the USA leaders who did not want to impose on them, but eventually, since the socialism economy cannot survive by itself fell down in the last third of the 20st century.  It looked good for the USA, and the rest of the world, but the USA was already infiltrated by the socialistic ideas and as we have seen, elected people who destroyed completely the free market and with it, what was known as the “American dream”.  The result was what then was called the USSA (The United Socialistic States of America), although obamites never accepted the name saying that they were doing it for “the good” of the country.

Some other documents found from that era, have shown some interesting data. For instance, the antiobamites forces were publishing, first in the open, later clandestinely, that the obamacare would be tantamount to eventually the take over of the free market economy. They said that in a country of around 300 plus million people, more than 100 million were around by the small businesses. This small businesses cannot survive the Obama impositions, and were headed to doom. At the time of the Obamacare law, it was a discreet unemployment (10%) due to the crisis, but immediately with the Obamacare the unemployment would increase in 5 million more people. They also said that to pay for the obamacare and the other “obamabenefits”, the country was going to have such enormous debt that it was going to be passed to many generations. It is uncertain if this happened, since there are no documents found, although it is very likely, since in the next few years the unemployment was very high; however, the debt was not passed to “many” generations, since there are no documents to support more generations after that.  This however, was due to other possible effects of the obamacare, since the government now armed with this legislation apparently began to take over in the whole economy converting the USA precisely in the USSA; the obamites tried constantly to deny this fact.

Some other documents have been discovered from that civilization but are so damaged that it is difficult to read, but we are trying. Stay tuned.