Once upon a time there was a place in a remote country where a beautiful girl fell in love with her blue handsome prince. After nine months a beautiful little boy increased their joy to level they never thought existed. The handsome husband was not a prince at all but in the imagination of the girl because she really loved him. He had to wake up in the morning every day to go to work to have enough to cover all the necessities of life for the three of them. Few years later their joy was so great that they thought they were in heaven because they received four more little ones, among them a beautiful little girl. They were expecting the number six, when something awful happened bringing their joy to a greater worry. Due to the economical conditions of their country he was laid off from his job that was permanently eliminated.
He was looking everywhere for a new job, but although he was a very good, responsible worker there were no jobs anywhere. They heard that in the country adjacent to theirs which was a very rich one, there were great opportunities and that if you go there it would be very likely that he would find a job by far better than the one he used to have. For sure he didn’t want to leave his dear ones, but with the pregnancy and the lack of money, in desperation they decided that he had to go. He went to the embassy of the great country and to start with he found out that he had to make a line of about two miles just to get some information. After several days he found out that to apply for a visa just to visit the other country, he has to show that he had a lot of money and a permanent job. If he wanted to go to work there, he needed to have an offer by an employer. He was very confused, because first, he didn’t have a job; this was the reason he made the line for several days, hoping he will find a good one, and second how come somebody was going to offer him a job from that country since he didn’t know anybody there.
Among the people he met in the line was one who told him: “forget about this, I know somebody in the a border city who will help us to cross the line, enter the other country, and once there we will find a job, because they are in great need of labor. But this guy is going to charge us 15000 pancholares (approximately $1500) to put us on the other side, Are you willing to go with me?” He thought how could I go since I don’t have money even to travel to the border much less to pay this enormous amount of money they will charge us just to cross the border. And he didn’t want to leave his loved ones with no money at all. He began to do little things here and there to feed the family and they went to pawn their few dear possessions they have, and after great pains he went to border with 20000 pancholares.
In the border he heard horror stories about the guys helping people to cross the border, many were just bandits who took advantage of the poor guys and abandoned them in the middle of the desert to die, disappearing with the money. In desperation he accepted to go with one of them and together with 20 more they venture into the desert. They told them to bring several bottles of water and to use them with great care. Among the twenty people there were three young ones who were behaving as if they were in a pick nick instead of crossing an unforgiving desert. They were traveling by night, and sleeping under bushes during the day, to avoid the border patrol. They observed once how the border patrol captured another group and put then in cages and went away. In their way they encountered a woman with one child who was waiting for her guide to come back for them because they were unable to continue with the group, they were dehydrated and almost dead. He helped them and carried the child with him. The stupid young men who were playing, drunk their water completely in less than two days. At the third day those three didn’t have any more water and they were begging for some to the ones who were drinking properly. He was unable not to give some of his own water to these stupid ones and his own water was exhausted and the thirst became unbearable. Fortunately they arrive in a highway where they were waiting for them to be transported to a place where they can be by their own. These three days in the desert were as being in hell and come back, he could not think in bringing his dear ones through this awful adventure.
Now he was in this other country, everything was different here, it looks like everything was in abundance, and sure enough he found a job almost immediately. One of his companions during the adventure in the desert, had a relative close by and through him they were soon working in a restaurant washing dishes, they were paid almost $8 per hour. As soon as he was able to learn how to do it, he sent all the money to his beloved family; at least they will have something despite the fact that he was here alone and with no hope at all. La “migra” (border patrol) was always looking for them, although most of the time it seemed to him that they actually did not want to catch them, but once in a while “la perrera” (the dog cage) will come and catch some that would be deported back to his country. He never understood why sometimes they came ready to catch some of them and many other times it looked like they didn’t care. The immigration officers knew where they were working, but nothing happened (most of the time).
It was awful to live like this; he knew that what he was doing was against the law of this new country, because they came without permits to be here, but what could he do? He needed the money to send to his family. He was always with great fear that the “migra” would catch him and to return to the desert was something he had nightmares about. Most of the time he didn’t dare to go out of the place where he was sleeping, a garage in a house where he paid a small amount of money and share by 15 more people like him. He was longing for his country and more for his beloved family. Why was all like this? He knew that they needed them here, not only in the restaurant he was working, but in the fields, all these people who lived in the same house, were telling him that they have been for months and if without them nobody here would do the job. Why then do we have to come illegally? He questions himself, why not with a permit? When this nightmare is going to finish, when I can go back to my wife and children? I don’t want to be hiding.

My fellow Americans:
Although what I have written is based in true happenings, there are by far more awful stories happening everyday in this country of ours, and listening the other day the GOP debate when all the candidates spoke about this immigration problem, none of them really saw the reality of the problem. It has repeated many times that there are 11 million of illegal immigrants in this country, during the Obama administration, the deported people have been an average close to half a million every year, but the same are either replaced by new ones or the same reenter, of course illegally again. Many of them have brought to this country their families with children who after years of living here do not know any other place on earth as their land. Many more are still longing to return to their dear ones, and they cannot, because they can endure this better than see their little ones without food or shelter. The reality of the problem is very simple, although the solution is not. The problem is that a third world country with a third world economy has a common border of 2000 miles with the richest economy in the world. No fence of 40 meters with machine guns every 300 feet is going to deter a father coming to look for something for his children who are deprived of the most indispensable means for life. The desert has not been able to stop them; man-made means are not going to do it. The sea between Cuba and Florida has not stopped the Cubans to come here; the Rio Grande is not going to do it for the Mexican and South Americans. The National Guard is not going to do it. This is the real problem, and it is a BIG BIG PROBLEM, with no solution, even worst because the people in charge here and there are not willing to face it. When you do not know what the problem is, because you do not want to know it, or if you know it but do not want to fix it, it is the same: NO SOLUTION.
An economy’s axiom is that “migration follows jobs”. In this sentence you can see the solution, they will go where jobs are. They will not come when they have jobs in their country, they will go back when they can have a decent job where they were born. If they have only deprivation there for them and their dear ones, they will continue in their suffering in the desert or facing any danger, it doesn’t matter. The Candidates of one or the other Party have to face this in this way. This is the real problem, and nothing is going to solve it but jobs in Mexico. The alternative is not good: NO JOBS IN USA. Either the Economy in Mexico improves, or ours goes to become like theirs. Again nothing else will stop the migration of workers this is ECONOMY 101.
Mexico should become a kind of Country similar to Canada, we need a cushion in the South, meaning a good solid economically country. Nothing else. For our own good, we should begin to see Mexico as an allied friend to fight this big problem we have together. Give Mexico a treatment we have not given it before. We have helped other countries in the world but for whatever reasons (ours and theirs) we have neglected completely this friend in the South. We cannot afford to do it anymore. Investment there should be a priority in our plans before any other country in the world; if not we are doom to loose this battle. And this goes for the government and private companies alike. Stop doing stupid things that do not solve anything.